
As well, don't right-leaning parties always

But it's been in her role as Wildrose leader where she has louis vuitton handbags on sale truly shone. Smith, a libertarian, has always been able to build political bridges with conservatives, classical liberals and other right-leaning individuals. Her support for limited government, lower taxes, less government intrusion, and more greater personal freedom has always been music to fiscally conservative ears. Even though she's a social moderate (I can confirm with 100-per-cent certainty that she's "pro-choice and pro-gay marriage," as mentioned earlier this week), Smith has always worked hard to find common ground with social conservatives, including respecting conscience rights and opposing judicial activism.

On the campaign trail, Smith and Wildrose have made sensible political and economic proposals. The party would balance the budget by "limiting spending increases to no more than population growth plus inflation." There would be "free votes" on all legislative bills, even if it ultimately brought a Wildrose government down. An Energy Dividend would be implemented to "send a portion of Alberta's oil and gas revenues directly to Albertans, to help them pay their bills and meet the rising cost of living." A Wait Times Guarantee would give Albertans "access to medical services within clinically acceptable wait times." And the Alberta Accountability Act would "restore accountability and democracy to government, empower MLAs to be true representatives of the people in their ridings and not just mouthpieces for the government, and restore transparency to how we are governed."

To be fair, would I have personally preferred broad-based louis vuitton bracelet tax relief rather than a targeted tax credit like the Energy Dividend? Yes. But this important proposal would put more money back in the taxpayers' pocket to use or save as they choose. Families can always use a few extra dollars for groceries, diapers and other household items, and this dividend would do the trick.

Is it a risk to propose a Wait Times Guarantee when the federal Tories did the same thing in 2006 - and never delivered? Yes. But it's something that needs to be done to improve health care delivery in Canada, and reduce long waiting lists for important medical and diagnostic procedures. For Alberta, that would be a step in the right direction.

As well, don't right-leaning parties always call for more accountability and transparency? Yes. But it's something all parties, regardless of political stripe, should desire to see in the political process. More to the point, it's something Smith has fought her whole adult life to fashion lv sunglasses for women discount black achieve. If anyone is ever going to accomplish it, she will.

